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Mail Handler

Generate emails through the template and send mails. If you are user of Mail Handler, please refer to this docs.



This CLI tool is designed as two steps to avoid accidental sending.

Step 1: Install pycontw-mail-handler through pipx (or install in your virtual environment)

# Install pipx
python -m pip install pipx

# Install pycontw-mail-hanlder through pipx
python -m pipx install pycontw-mail-handler

After install pycontw-mail-handler, you can run render_mail and send_mail commands in your environment.

Step 2: Generate mails through the template


  --mails_path PATH  [default: mails_to_sent]
  --separator ' TEXT '
  --unique_csv PATH
  • TEMPLATE_PATH: The path to the jinja2 template.
  • RECEIVER_DATA: The path to receivers' data.
    • The following json sample is the least required content. All other data can be added to fit the need of the template.
    • "common_data": Common data used in each mail
    • "unique_data": Unique content for each mail
    "common_data": {},
    "unique_data": [
        {"receiver_email": "somerec@somedomain"}

Please note the comma is able to be used as a receiver separator to send multiple people. For example, the following 3 formats are all working:

A space following a comma

    "common_data": {},
    "unique_data": [
        {"receiver_email": "somerec01@somedomain, somerec02@somedomain"}

No space following a comma

    "common_data": {},
    "unique_data": [
        {"receiver_email": "somerec01@somedomain,somerec02@somedomain"}

Or mix both of the above two types

    "common_data": {},
    "unique_data": [
        {"receiver_email": "somerec01@somedomain, somerec02@somedomain,somerec03@somedomain"}
  • --mails_path PATH: The output path of the mails. The mail will be named as the receivers email address.

Usage example:

render_mail  ./templates/sponsorship/spam_sponsors_2020.j2 examples/sponsorship/spam_sponsors_2020.json

Step 3: Send the generated mails


  --mails_path PATH  [default: mails_to_sent]
  --attachment_file PATH
  • CONFIG_PATH: The path to mail config.
    "Subject": "some subject",
    "From": "somebody@somedomain",
    "SenderName": "your name",
    "CC": "somebody1@somedomain, somebody2@somedomain"

Please note the comma is used as a receiver separator to send multiple people.

  • --mails_path PATH: The path of the mails to sent.

Usage example:

send_mail ./examples/sponsorship/spam_sponsors_2020_mail_config.json

By issuing the command, you will be prompted to input the corresponding password of your smtp server.

You are about to send the mails under "mails_to_sent". Do you want to continue? [y/N]: y
Using default Gmail SMTP server...
Please enter your mail account: <sender email address in mail config>
Please enter you mail password:
INFO:root:Email sent to <receiver address in RECEIVER_DATA>!

Currently we use smtp server of gmail as default, so you may want to use the one-time app password for security concern. To use gmail one-time app password, please go to Manage your Goolge Account > Security > Signning to Google > App passwords and then Select app > Other to generate your one-time app password. The generated password could be removed anytime if you are sure that you won't use it anymore. If you would like to use specific smtp server, please refer user guide.


See Contributing



Created from Lee-W/cookiecutter-python-template version 1.9.2